Throughout the world of industry, corrosion protection is vital to cost-effective performance. Corrosion, often insidious, can quickly threaten the integrity of vital assets, leading to unscheduled costly repairs, loss of production and resources. By comparison, the cost of prevention by means of cathodic protection solutions is modest.
WCS provides the solution, blending engineering expertise with a well-established range of products and offering a comprehensive service covering every aspect of corrosion prevention and cathodic protection. Our company's experience in cathodic protection, covers a vast range of industrial applications, including both reinforced concrete and steel structures. Whatever the problem, from harbors, marine locks and dams, through petrochemical complexes, power plants and oil and gas production centers, to pipelines, storage tanks, water and waste water equipment, we have the expertise to provide the cost-effective solution.
In addition to providing consultancy and engineering services on the South Eastern Europe region or on a worldwide basis through our group network, we design, supply, install, supervise and service cathodic protection and monitoring equipment for many of the biggest names in industry.
Our company resources include manufacturing centres in the USA, UK, UAE, Singapore and Malaysia.